
FREE Personalized Easter Bunny Letters

Get your personalized and printable letter from the Easter Bunny!

By Sarah Hoffmann, Publisher, Macaroni Kid NW San Antonio April 4, 2020

Since a trip to visit the Easter Bunny this year was not a possibility, he has decided to send your kiddos their own letter straight from the desk of the Easter Bunny!

To Receive your FREE Letter from the Easter Bunny, follow the steps below:

1. Click HERE to fill out the form

2. Complete and submit the form - You may submit one entry per child

3. Check your email for your FREE personalized letter

4. Print your letter and give it to your child!

I hope you enjoy this free gift this Easter!  

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home!

Wishing you and yours a very HOPPY Easter,

Your Macaroni Kid NW San Antonio Publisher